2019年论文 2019年论文

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  1. Liu L, You Y, Zhou K, Guo B, Cao Z, Zhao Y, Wu H-C*. A dual‐response DNA probe for simultaneously monitoring enzymatic activity and environmental pH using a nanopore. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2019, 131(42): 15071-15076.DOI10.1002/anie.201907816
  2. Zhao Y, Liu L, Tu Y, Wu H-C*. Investigating the effect of mono‐and multivalent counterions on the conformation of poly (styrenesulfonic acid) by nanopores. Electrophoresis, 2019, 40(16-17): 2180-2185.DOI10.1002/elps.201800539
  3. You Y, Zhou K, Guo B, Liu Q, Cao Z, Liu L, Wu H-C*. Measuring binding constants of cucurbituril-based host–guest interactions at the single-molecule level with nanopores. ACS Sensors, 2019, 4(3): 774-779.DOI10.1021/acssensors.9b00408
  4. Zhang Z, Li T, Sheng Y, Liu L, Wu H-C*. Enhanced sensitivity in nanopore sensing of cancer biomarkers in human blood via click chemistry. Small, 2019, 15(2): 1804078.DOI10.1002/smll.201804078